This was my reward - a Wendy's Frosty Copycat!! Mmm good!!
Edited to add the link to the recipe (never had a Wendy's Frosty... so can't compare - but I loved the copycat!!)

Then, baked some muffins to bring to my dad... and keep a few for myself!! ;)
Chocolate Chip Muffins
Maple Syrup Muffins
Here's the link for the Maple Syrup Muffins:
Going to the airport tonight to pick up my dad and stepmother - they are coming back tonight from a six-week trip to Tunisia!! Can't wait to see them and hug them!!!
My parents went a couple of years ago and brought me back this beautiful mask - I have a small collection of masks in my dining room and I love this one!!
Those muffins look yummy. Chocolate chip muffins are my favorite. That mask is incredible! I love the vibrant colors! Very unique!
Your drink and muffins look yummy! Cool mask! How cool, where your parents had gone... and for 6 weeks! WOW. Are you going to share a little peak at some of their pictures?!
Graet shots :)
That mask is
So, how do you make that Wendy's frosty wannabe anyway? I'm very curious as they are one of my favorite things ever.
Ok, now I'm hungry. I just love pictures of food, almost as good as the food itself, but not quite. Cool mask, too.
I always enjoy your food photos, and that mask is really cool. Very realistic. I hope you have a great visit with your parents!
Cool photos! It's like going on a little trip through your kitchen to your dining room! I love the mask! If they bring another interesting item for you, be sure to get a photograph!
I want to know how to make the frosty too, looks so yummy! Oh and chocolate chips muffins are my best friend/worst enemy.
Oh, I like that mask!! Maple syrup muffins??? Sounds delish!
Man now I am hungry.. Off to get some ice cream. Great shots, but that mask is spooky...
Hmmm I'm really hungry now, great food/drinks pictures! The mask is amazing, the colors and ocmposition!
The muffins look delish!! Man a copycat frosty, sounds great! That mask is kinda creepy, such vibrant colors though
MMM Maple syrup muffins. You'll have to post that recipe. LOL It all looks so yummy.
Those muffins look DELICIOUS! And the frosty....YUMMMY.
Great shots! Muffins look great! I love how it looks like there is more top than bottom to them
Oh yum! What a great reward! Your mask is beautiful!
cool shots. That mask has nice color. Yummy on the chocolate chips.
Looks yummy but that mask freaked me out! Those are too real when you first glance.
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