Friday, July 15, 2011


Took these during a lunch hour.  Love that I can walk to Chinatown and back during my lunch hour!







Anonymous said...

Hi! Reds

Just drop by your blog and the Chinatown pictures caught my eyes and the places looks familiar. Guess what, I use to go there once a week.

Have a nice day.


pat said...

How fun to have that within walking distance for your lunch break!!

Amanda said...

You get the best lunchtime pictures, and are so lucky you can go out for fresh air! That b&w of the wall is a great conversion.

Angela2932 said...

I would trade your lunch hours for mine in a minute! Do you go on your photographic treks alone, or does someone go with you? I think I'd feel more "private" and more permission to photograph if I were alone in a big city, than in my little fishbowl.

Jill said...

Oh that IS a great place to be able to walk during lunch! Looks like fun! (and probably a yummy lunch too!)