Thursday, June 9, 2011

Downtown Park

Early in the morning, before going to the office, walked through this beautiful park (wish I had taken the name down!)






pat said...

Ohhh, that looks like such a tranquil oasis in the midst of the city. The base of the statue will be glorious when all those plants fill in.

Amanda said...

I love the perspective on the building! Great shot :)

Gypsy Girl(Brenda) said...

What beautiful flowers around the statue. What a pretty place to walk by on the way.

Alison Shuman said...

That really is a beautiful park. Would be nice to take a lunch and a good book and hang out for a while.

Nancy said...

Love the park. The back ground would be even lovelier if the one modern building wasn't there!! (tee hee) you can tell I'm a fan of the old, and hate to see new and modern buildings creep in. I'm an ol' foggy that way I guess!!!!
Anyway, the park is just gorgeous and I'm jealous of you!!

Barb C said...

What a pretty park. Great way to start the day!

Yolanda said...

I would love to walk through that park! Beautiful!

SKCPhotos said...

OH gorgeous shots of a beautiful park.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful shots!
The park is called Dominion Square and the tall building in the first photo is the CIBC building (Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce) and beside it is what used to be the Windsor Hotel, now converted to office space.

Friday morning trivia brought to you by "Anglo".
Have a great week-end.