2. She turned 18 and loves photography. Ben bought my old K100D for her. She was soooo happy! She already started posting a lot of photos on her Facebook!
3. I hadn’t used my fisheye in a long time. Decided to bring it downtown and this is what I got
4. I miss the sun! It has been raining every day since last Friday. Didn’t have time to mow my lawn and now my grass is so long – looks like a field.
5. The tulips are finally out – one of my favourite flowers!
6. My lilac is almost in bloom – a couple of more days in the rain and I am sure it will be filled with flowers!
7. Went for a run last Sunday (in the rain) with Ben. Didn’t even try to follow him – just went at my speed and ran for 30 minutes. It’s fun to run outside – but very hard to keep the rhythm!
8. Ordered some Zumba dvds – my gym gives some classes but too late at night for me. I did one class and I enjoyed it – can’t wait to try the dvds!
9. Long weekend coming up – it will be so wonderful to have some time off!
10. WW – back to normal. Gained back most of what I lost last week. I hate my metabolism!!
Very nice to give your former camera to someone else who will keep it in use; love the fisheye shot (love it); and don't even get me started on weather. I had to break down and turn the heater back on - that sucks! Our tulips came and went quickly because of the extreme changes in weather and rain, rain, rain. I'm done with rain for a few weeks.
Love that card! I'm with you and Nicki on the rain-- done and done! This year I think the saying should be Feb, March, April, May showers hopefully bring June flowers. Love the fish eye shot too!
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