Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Where the Streets are so Beautiful

In Quebec City, of course!! :) Just love all the little streets!




Lots and lots and lots of hills!




Chell said...

I love the colors and the architecture. thanks so much for sharing

Tracie said...

So picturesque... I love the buildings, too!

pat said...

Fabulous! I really like your streetshots; you've often posted photos from Old Quebec, and it is on my list of places to visit. I love that twisty street, and all those colorful buildings. Beautiful indeed!!

Suzy said...

I love that first shot and the one with the pumpkins! Great angles. The colorful buildings are great!

Laura said...

Adorable! Great shots, I can't wait to visit these streets in person one day!

Margaret said...

Such quaint-looking streets. Love the street with all the pumpkins on the doorsteps.

Nicki said...

Ohh the street with the pumpkins - be still my heart! These are beautiful.