Tuesday, January 13, 2009

You know Christmas is over...

when you see this on the streets!


Anonymous said...

I always feel so sad for the old trees. When I was little I would cry when we got rid of them.

janett said...

How sad! I hate seeing them being tossed. :(

Lauren Hartman said...

Yep, it surely is :) I'm already wishing for spring!

Amy said...

That poor tree, it looks so sad being a castoff... :)

Anonymous said...

So sad. You won't see that in the country side where I live. TFS!

Sharon said...

LOL! I forgot about that. We have few live trees down here b/c they are SO expensive and they don't last.

Kelly said...

Poor tree's.... LOL

Wonderful idea to capture

Angela2932 said...

Poor, sad, orphan trees :( :( :(

Chell said...

LOL today the streets were lined with them here too..

~*Steffie*~ said...

I'm usually happy to see that sight. When December 26th comes I am over Christmas. lol!

Margaret said...

Oh...such a sad sight!

Anonymous said...

Aww. Poor Christmas tree!

Diana said...

I agree i also feel sad for the poor trees! thats why i have a fake one to avoid doing this to a live tree

pat said...

I'm with Cari--I feel sad for those poor trees, too. They had such a brief moment of glory...

pakosta said...

that's a bummer, all those trees cut down. we went green and got a fake one LoL....cool pic anyway.

Linnao said...

So true! It is kind of a sad sight, but makes a nice picture!

Steph said...

LOL! Once I was driving to take out tree to the drop spot and when I got there it wasn't in the back of my truck, it had flown out on the way into town. It still makes me laugh.

Great pics!

Jo said...

we always have a fake tree, I always vow that "next year, I'll have a real tree" and I never do - this makes me feel a little bit better for not getting a real one! ;-P

Mom2Drew said...

I actually hate that, but it's a good symbol of the new year. I just feel for all the trees, although I know a majority of them were grown for that purpose.

Becky said...

In my case, you would see that on my front lawn. :-D

Liz said...

The nature lover in me shudders to see this... and the cleaning lady in me rejoices. Hmmmm I might have issues. :)

Gypsy Girl(Brenda) said...

So true. I hope they recycle them.

Unknown said...

Poor trees. Great capture.

Tori said...

LOL! I saw a truck full of them being carted off to be recycled yesterday morning.

Anonymous said...

LOL! I love it!