Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Jarry Park - Before the snow storm

We just got our first snow storm of the year.  We got about 10 cms of snow.  Fun for the kids - not for the traffic!!

These were taken a couple of weekends ago, at Jarry Park.  It was a grey Sunday but, as I love trees, still found them beautiful with the grey skies!
Grey day at Jarry Park

Parc Jarry


  1. Beautiful! I absolutely love that first photo and I am so jealous that you've already seen snow this year... I'm still anxiously awaiting substantial snowfall in Maryland!

  2. Wow! That sky looks ominous! I like the photo of the willows! Very pretty!

  3. I love the intricate design of the branches in that first shot - beautiful.

  4. Lovely images, I could see them both on a post card!

  5. Hi,
    Love the pics and the recipes. I linked to your blog and posted it at a Hub I have about salad.
