Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Fishy Weeds

I am not proud... but this is what my lawn looks like with my fisheye!! ;)

Kinda cute anyway, no?!!


  1. I love these and for some crazy reason I ♥ dandilions (well maybe not in my lawn)! Very fun shots with the fisheye!

  2. I love these! Great fisheye photo's!

  3. A fisheye view makes just about anything look pretty darn cool. Fun shots.

  4. LOVE those shots. Between you and I, I love seeing dandilions as they are one of my favorite things to photographs!

  5. I'd be proud of that lawn, dandelions are a very potent medicinal herb :D I live in Australia and it's very hard to find real dandelion (as opposed to false dandelion which is absolutely everywhere). I used to wildcraft it when I found it, but it's also too dangerous now with all the pesticide and herbacides the local councils use to kill weeds :(
