Thursday, July 29, 2010

Cap St-Jacques

One of my favorite parks - Nature Park of Cap St-Jacques.  You can walk many miles, you can go swimming and you can also see some gardens and animals.

The path leading to the farm - love this path! 

Weeds everywhere - Love weeds!!

Some wild berries

A close-us of a weed

Pretty flowers

Cute little guy

Beautiful horse that didn't want to come to close - too bad!


  1. Sounds like a good spot to cover everyone's needs. Vibrant colors on your flowers and too bad the horse wouldn't cooperate more - but still a nice capture.

  2. What a fun place! Sounds like it has something for almost everyone. The colors on your echinacea are wonderful--I know how vibrant those can be, and you caught them!

  3. What a great place for a photo walk! I would love to visit that place. I'm a sucker for fuzzy animals like goats. :) Beautiful vibrant colors in those flower too.

  4. The berry shot literally made me gasp a little!! Love it!!!

  5. I love cross-country skiing along that trail in the winter :) everything is so white and pristine.

    Beautiful pictures I love the colours

  6. How do you ever come out of such a wonderful park? Great captures!
